Leadership Coaching & Training
I’m Mary Rafferty. I specialise in coaching, training, and mentoring for leaders and managers. With many years of experience in workplace and organisational settings, I help professionals develop skills around the relationship aspect of their roles – building cohesive teams and developing productive relationships with individuals.
I help people excel at navigating relationships and enabling collaboration within their teams so that they get the best from themselves and their colleagues.
I believe strongly in coaching leaders and managers to engage in effective and authentic communication. Conversations are the lifeblood of relationships and relationships are the lifeblood of organisational success. Developing such skills and tools is the first step to building resilient relationships with ourselves and others.
Mediation and Professional Mediation Training
For the past 16 years, I have delivered (and continue to do so!) workplace mediation, conflict management training as well as my very popular Certified Level Mediator training for those seeking a professional qualification, as Consensus Mediation (www.consensusmediation.ie).
‘‘In organizations real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles and positions.”
Margaret Wheatley – Leadership and the New Science
My approach lies in helping leaders to develop a systemic, proactive view of their team, their organisation, and their role. It means leading from a more visionary, big picture mindset rather than reactively firefighting, coping, and surviving.
My experience & track record

Productive working relationships
Managers are expected to have the skills and abilities to engage with the people on their team – from performance management to building team spirit and morale, from dealing with group conflict to understanding and bringing out the best in each member of the team – even people they find difficult to deal and interact with. Building this knowledge helps leaders to manage more effectively.
I have worked for over 15 years with both the public and private sector, in large and small organisations, supporting leaders to manage difficult relationships and restore a more constructive and productive working relationship. I have designed and delivered training programmes to hundreds of leaders and managers, helping them minimise the level of conflict and disharmony disrupting teams.
Work with me
I offer a wide range of services and can help leaders and teams work more effectively by tackling areas such as leadership, resilience, confidence, difficult conversations and behaviour, performance and productivity, creativity, collaboration and connection, mental clarity, and mediation.