Transform ‘Difficult’ Conversations to Win-Win Conversations

This course aims to build the key skills, knowledge and attitudes for dealing with potentially contentious discussions in a collaborative and supportive manner. You will learn overcome resistance, implement change, and troubleshoot people management issues with greater ease and confidence. This course will teach you about the dynamics of conflict so you understand why and how interactions and relationships go off track. You will also learn the POISE NOW™  8-step model I developed and how to apply it to ‘difficult’ conversations you might encounter.

Transform 'Difficult' Conversations to Win-Win Conversations

About this Transform ‘Difficult’ Conversations to Win Win course

Type:Live online course (small groups)
Duration:4 x 90-minute live workshops (can also be delivered in-house as 2 x 1/2 day sessions)
Venue:Live webinars on zoom with additional material online
Booking:Register your interest online and I will be in touch to arrange your enrollment.

Who is this Difficult Conversations course for?

I’ve met many exasperated managers over the past fifteen years of mediating, coaching, training, and teaching. I designed this unique programme for anyone who has to manage other people. Are there staff you manage who really frustrate you? Do conversations with them seem to just go around in circles? Are you (and others) walking on eggshells around them? This course is for you!

“Instead of wanting to persuade and get your way , you want to understand what has happened from the other person’s point of view, explain your point of view, share and understand feelings… In so doing you make it more likely that the other person will be open to being persuaded…”

Stone, Patton & Heen, Difficult Conversations How to Discuss What Matters Most, 1999

Could you benefit from the POISE NOW model?

This online programme builds the key skills, knowledge, and attitudes for dealing with potentially contentious discussions in a collaborative and supportive manner using the 8-step POISE NOW™ model.

You will learn how to turn these interactions into constructive and effective learning conversations that encourage accountability, motivation, and high performance.

You will learn about the dynamics of conflict so you understand why and how interactions and relationships go off track. There will be opportunities to discuss and practice in small group role-play simulations.

You will also have the opportunity to talk through how best to manage a live situation that you need to confront in a safe and supportive small group environment.

Learning outcomes

As a manager, there are certain situations and conversations that you dislike and prefer to avoid. You see only two options – go in heavy and push your agenda or water down your message and try and keep things smoothed over.
This course teaches you a third way: how to be upfront and supportive, clear yet empathetic, acknowledging where the other person is coming from and also giving a straight message.

In this course you will gain

  • Clarity and understanding of the relational and psychological dynamics of ‘difficult conversations and conflict and how different responses can foster escalation or de-escalation
  • A structured 8-step framework (POISE NOW) for planning a ‘difficult’ conversation to ensure it is constructive, clear, focused and calm
    • The importance of having a clear Purpose and positive, mutually respectful intentions at the outset
    • How to set up and Open the conversation with a neutral, non-blaming issue- rather than person-focused approach
    • Inquiring/Inviting – the crucial role of open questions and reflective listening to draw out the other person’s perspective
    • Sharing your key messages in constructive, specific, factual and behavioural terms
    • Managing potential Emotional triggers that can derail or escalate the conversation
    • Understanding the critical role of a focus on underlying Needs rather than positions
    •  Using an Option development frame to involve the other person in creating and taking responsibility for solutions
    • How to end a meeting effectively and map out a workable Way forward and SMART agreement
  • An opportunity to rehearse and practice key skills and approaches to practical and realistic
  • case scenarios
  • More confidence, clarity and ease in approaching and handling conversations about potentially
  • contentious issues

Transform Difficult Conversations course FAQs

We have no programme scheduled at present but you can register your interest in a future programme

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