A previous post focused on how organisations can make the benefits of mediation more available and accessible by establishing an internal panel of mediators.
Key considerations for internal mediation
1. Initial needs assessment
Carrying out a conflict audit of the organisation in order to assess how conflict currently impacts people, productivity and profits. This gives a clear benchmark to do a costs/benefits analysis as to whether such a panel is in the first place warranted. It also provides a basis for future evaluation of an internal mediation service.
2. Ensuring there is a good understanding of, and openness to, the process of mediation
Ensuring an understanding of and the benefits of having an internal mediation service, from key stakeholders – senior management, unions/employee representatives, human resources department, health and safety representatives etc.in championing and promoting such a service.
3. Mediator selection process
There are a number of options here for example, candidates can be nominated by key stakeholders or the role can be advertised internally – ideally there would be some awareness raising about mediation and conflict management prior to this to help potential candidates make an informed choice as to whether this role would fit for them.
4. Training of mediators
Ensure that mediators’ training conforms to recognised accreditation standards such as the Certified Mediation level with the Mediators’ Insititute of Ireland
5. Access to the mediation service
Develop clear procedures around how staff and managers can avail of this service, information leaflets, protocols around key mediation principles such as confidentiality, impartiality of mediator.
6. Underpinned by policies and procedures: Ensuring that there are supportive and complementary policies and procedures in place underpinning the use of mediation to resolve disputes. A policy document around terms of reference for the in-house mediation programme would also need to be developed.
7. Designated champion
Consideration of the need for a designated co-ordinator and steering committee to champion and drive the programme within the organisation
8. Adequate resourcing
Ensuring that the organisation is prepared to resource the programme, which in addition to set-up costs will involve ongoing costs in relation making the Mediators available to conduct mediations during their working week as well as time for ongoing support and training for the team
9. Promotion of the mediation service
Consideration of how the mediation service will be promoted – the development of information booklets and guidance and dissemination of this throughout all levels of the organisation
10. Supportive Continuing Professional Development
Setting up a framework that would ensure mediators have access to supervision/mentoring as structured further training opportunities
11. Evaluation framework
Establishing in advance the framework for evaluation of the mediation service.
Want to take some formal training in applying the Mediation Process and Skills: Click here for our Mediation Skills workshops for Managers and HR Managers